Monday, January 10, 2011

Real World

So I was Facebook stalking the other day and came across a conversation that some other people were having about their new jobs and being in the "real world." It got me thinking about my "real world" and if I enjoyed it more than being in school. And I have to answer yes I do love it way better than school. I never really hated being in school, but I always wanted to be able to do other stuff and couldn't because of homework, readings, classes, studying for tests, etc. Now I can come home (not to a tiny dorm room) and cook dinner (not have BDH food!) and relax. I can read books (I have read over 10 since being out of school just for fun!) or watch my favorite TV show or just hang out with my boyfriend or roommate. What is not to love about that situation? No homework, no studying, no tests! This is all just the none school part of the "real world" that I love. I also love my job. I get to love on some great and amazingly fun babies all day (16 month old twins- boy and girl). We play all day (I can sing you most of the preschool TV shows theme songs, and any other preschool song/chant/poem you can think of) and I get to let them know that they are special (in a great way). I also get paid for this (not the main focus but it pays the bills). How cool is that?? How many people out there get to work from a house and just play all day??? Yes my job can be stressful when I have two babies crying to be picked up and not enough arm strength to do that or when they both want to play with me and I need to do the dishes, but still it is fun (even the food stains that I have worked my hardest to get out and still can't seem to get them out). I also love that I get to go to church in Raleigh. I love Journey but the best part is that it isn't about Journey, but about God and His glory alone. I get to worship with my Journey family every week. How awesome is that??? I also get to teach some wonderful 4 and 5 year olds about God. I love it when the kids come back for the 2nd week in the month and already know the verse. These aren't just any words they are memorizing, they are memorizing God's Word! How cool is that (I know I have used this a lot, but I keep saying it over and over again out loud)??? I love that I have a life group that is my family here. I love that I can call on them when I need help and get to help others when I don't need it. We are a true family. In the "real world," I get to have an apartment which I get to clean (sounds strange, but I love to clean). I also have a wonderful roommate who has "family" dinners with me which is fun (even all the random people that appear at our family dinners)! I also have a wonderful boyfriend, who is just...well...amazing! I get to hang out with him and cook for him (I love to cook) whenever I want in the "real world". I don't know if I have said this before, but I love the "real world." I know one day I will most likely be going back to school, but until then I am going to enjoy the "real world" and all of those in my world because right now I am having a blast.